70以上 statue of jesus christ in rio de janeiro brazil 337128
Christ the Redeemer is located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Christ the Redeemer is an Art Deco statue of Jesus Christ Art Deco is a style of architecture that first appeared in France before the WWI It took 9 years to build the Christ the Redeemer statue Christ the Redeemer stands at 98 ft tall The statue is on top of a 26 feet pedestal Christ the Redeemer weighsThe giant Art Deco statue of Jesus, known as Cristo Redentor Christ the Redeemer, on Corcovado mountain in Detail of the statue of Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, Bra Zil The statue, 30m high and weighing over 1000 metric tons, was first planned to be completed Christ the Redeemer statue on the top of a mountain, Rio De Janeiro, BrazilThe exact dimensions of Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro are as follows the height of the figure is 38 meters, the height of the pedestal — 8 meters, weight — 1145 tons, arm stretch — 30 meters It is believed that the idea behind the creation of the statue came up in 1922, on the 10...
新潟 魚沼市 雪 161670
新潟県南魚沼市の現在 現地時間 1807 小雪 温度21℃ 湿度91% 風:521m(北西) utcとの時差9時間 3時間ごとの予報 雪雪の魚沼 会社概要 会社名 株式会社 雪の魚沼 所在地 新潟県十日町市通り山子1015番 雪の魚沼 アクセス 株式会社 雪の魚沼 〒 新潟県十日町市通り山子101 雪の魚沼 魚沼地方十日町(旧中里村) 日本有数の豪雪地帯「魚沼地方十日町」 十日町市旧中里村。 冬になると ブログ ついに気温零度! 田んぼの水たまりには、氷も張りあたり一面真っ白に! 早朝は、露が凍ってあたり一面真っお気づきの点がございましたら、総務政策部 防災安全課 までご連絡下さい。 魚沼市ライブカメラ 旧堀之内庁舎映像; 雪国の景色 新潟県 魚沼市の写真素材 新潟 魚沼市 雪